@article{oai:naragakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002617, author = {小竹 , 光夫 and 竹中, 優志 and Shino, Mitsuo and Takenaka, Yuji}, journal = {人間教育学研究, Journal for Humanistic Education}, month = {Dec}, note = {Abstract:As for school education, equality in education should be guaranteed.However, in penmanship education we find much difference between right-handed students and left-handed students. The main reason is that we often apply the teaching method of right-handed students to the teaching method of left-handed students by turning over simply. I would like to point out that we can’t solve the problem by just reversing the method of right-handed person. Because, the movement characteristics of fingers differ greatly to a right-handed person and a left-handed person. Moreover I am going to argue about the direction of the future of the penmanship education to a left-handed person.}, pages = {21--31}, title = {伝統的書写指導の誤解と問題点の指摘Ⅲ ― 数的優位の方法を反転させ,数的劣位の側の対応とする矛盾について ―}, volume = {4}, year = {2016}, yomi = {シノ, ミツオ and タケナカ, ユウジ} }