@article{oai:naragakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000468, author = {西辻, 正副 and Nishitsuji, Masasuke}, journal = {人間教育学研究, Journal for Humanistic Education}, month = {Dec}, note = {With respect to the state at the stage as of September 2015, of the “the connection reform between upper secondary schools and universities“ which the people concerned have the intention to realize at all costs, by reforming the “upper secondary education”, the “university education” and the “selection of university students” connecting the both, in the form integrating the three, in order to acquire the capability to survive in the era to come, I described from the following three points.  1. The outline with respect to the history of the connection reform between upper secondary schools and universities up until this examination  2. The recent movement of examinations with respect to the connection reform between upper secondary schools and universities  3. The “interim report” of the Council for System Reform of Connection between Upper Secondary Schools and Universities Furthermore, with respect to 3. the “interim report”, I explained from the four points, which are the direction of the reform of the upper secondary education, the direction of the reform of the university education, the direction of the academic achievement assessment test for the applicants for universities (tentative name) and the direction of the introduction of CBT-IRT, and finally described with respect to the future prospects of the connection reform between upper secondary schools and universities.}, pages = {83--96}, title = {高大接続改革をめぐる動き(Ⅰ)}, volume = {3}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ニシツジ, マサスケ} }