@article{oai:naragakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000486, author = {藪下, 信 and Anthony J., Allen and Yabushita, Shin and Anthony J., Allen}, journal = {情報学フォーラム, Information Science Forum}, month = {}, note = {A model is presented which relates the geological and paleonthological events of the past 300 million years to the sun's passage through the spiral arms of the Galaxy. It is an extension of the ideas presented by McCrea, Clube & Napier and Begelma & Rees, and is based on a recent work of Leitch & Vasishit which shows that the sun was most probably in the spiral arms at the times of the well-known Cretaceous-Tertiary and Permian-Triassic boundaries. An argument is presented which relates the accretion of the IS gas cloud onto the sun to the change in the solar luminosity, which in turn brings about the changing rotational period of the earth, whereby the boundary layer between the core and the mantle is disturbed to generate a superplume, which leads to flood basalts at the surface; a superchron of the geomagnetic field is brought to a halt by the greater temperature gradient in the layer. The encounter(s) with IS clouds disturbs the Oort cloud of comets, injecting comets into the inner solar system, some of them becoming earth impactors. It is shown that this model is consistent with geological and palaeonthological data so far known.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {The Spiral Arms, Superplumes, Superchrons and Mass Extinctions}, volume = {2}, year = {2003}, yomi = {ヤブシタ, シン} }